Growing up, I was never the kind of girl who dreamed of getting married.
In fact, I didn't really get weddings. I'd only been to one or two, and I didn't like them much. People cried, no one would let me dance spastically around the floor and the food was terrible. Plus, I didn't know anyone and I wasn't the center of attention.

Really, I only dreamed of one thing.
Of course, I'd always thought of my husband would be like. But I never pondered about his hair color or name. I never dreamed of what tux he would look good in and what his face would look like when the church doors opened. My curiosity centered around when and where I would meet him. That was about it. I saw marriage as being legally bound to my best friend. Being a practical romantic, I never dreamed of being swept off my feet or knowing at first sight. I had a list of requirements and knew exactly what I wanted. I just hadn't found it yet.
Then one grey day at a Jason's Deli by Baylor University, I found it. I was instantly curious, extremely fascinated.
The feeling was mutual.
I'm pretty sure, anyway. I mean, not much the poor sap can do now, right?
Moving on.
Being a non-wedding kind of girl, wedding planning was more of a chore than a joy. If my mother and sister hadn't done most of the work, I'd still be sitting on the carpet dumbfounded with an engagement ring on one hand and the other stuck in my nose.
I gave my poor Mom and sister hell.
First, I demanded apple pie instead of cake. I didn't want cake. I didn't like cake. No cake. Forget traditions--I was not having a cake.
I had a cake. And tiered apple pies.
Next, I refused to deal with bridesmaids dresses. I told them to pick out a sundress. My mom told me to pick three colors.

My sister's the one in green.
For six long months, I snarled and snapped every time someone mentioned the word wedding. I ranted about trends that had nothing to do with love, howled when I received a million silver platters instead of practical sheets and towels as gifts and staunchly refused anything but a traditional bridal shower. I wasn't having a lingerie party, a bachelorette party, an engagement party or a look at me party. For something that was all about me, I tried to make it as un-about me as possible.

But despite all that, my wedding was magical. And perfect.
We got married in Austin at the County Line on the Lake. That's right--it's a barbecue restaurant.
It was also a traditional spot for Pike family special family traditions. The Line, as we called it, was reserved for straight A report cards, special birthdays and major accomplishments. And the lake, or Colorado River, was also ingrained in our family. I'd been riding in my dad's boat on that lake since I was old enough to walk, and water skiing since 8. The lake was in my blood and part of my soul.
Before the ceremony, Ben thought heavily about the commitment he was going to make...
While I thought heavily about the apple pies.
We were married by a justice of the peace at high noon on May 27, 2006. As we walked down the aisle, my father teased me about water moccasins...
Little did he know one would show up later, much to the delight of Ben's city-slicker friends. Trust me, it's there. Look for it.
By 12:30 p.m., the wedding was over and the reception had begun.
It was time for ribs!

And dancing on the patio...
Starting new fashion trends....
And annoying neighbors by throwing bouquets to their 15-year-old daughters even though they specifically asked you not to. Of course, I was just as horrified as he was.
I have no idea.
A little after three, we decided the reception had come to an end. Our guests reinforced this by throwing white bio-degradable rice at us.
Giddy and breathless, we drove away to my parent's a few miles down the road for a post-reception celebration. We spent the afternoon swimming, dining with friends and visiting with family.
The next day, after spending the night in a hotel, we headed to my parent's for a special neighborhood reception that included a tricked out golf cart, lots of rice and a whole lot of fun...

But that, dear Invisible Friends, is another story.
Oh, and why did I get married at 21, two weeks after my college graduation and a week after buying my first house and moving to a city three hours away?
Because I wanted to.
For more wedding tales, visit Eli's Lids. She's linked up dozens of fun wedding post from romantic bloggers.
Stay tuned, Invisible Friends! Tommorow we have a new Twirl and Thursday.... Ben's famous hand-made-sauce-dripping-Mini Meat balls! And Friday, we have the Babies' birthday and the Rubber Chicken's search for his long lost date. Stay tuned!
YOU GO Girl...YAY!! What a great wedding!
Congratulations!!! (I secretly eloped two weeks ago) and we're renewing our vows in front of family & friends this summer....You look very beautiful and you two make a great looking couple!!!
Thanks for sharing your wedding photos :)
Your wedding looks like it was everything it was supposed t be - happy and fun! I love it!
Your wedding looks like it was everything it was supposed t be - happy and fun! I love it!
From the looks of the photos your wedding looks like it turned out to be what YOU wanted to be!! Congrats to you and Ben!
Miranda, I really like that you did your wedding your way. I loved reading the story and looking at the pictures and yes, I did see the snake in the grass.
Very sweet story. Your and Ben are so lucky to have each other.
It looks absolutely beautiful, and fun. Getting married young is exactly the right thing to do...when you've found the right person :)
What a great story and beautiful pictures!!!!
I am glad you did your wedding your way. You will never have any regrets.
Thanks for the peek into your fun day.
I think it sounds like the best wedding ever!! I loved reading about it and seeing all the photos. Somenow I cannot imagine you ever doing anything in the same vein as anyone else on the planet, and that's just part of what makes you such a wonderful gal and I am so proud to count you as a friend! I am so sad that I won't get to see you when I go to America next week. That would have been the icing on the cake for me!!! I guess we will have to save that delight for another time, or you and the Beninator will just have to mosey on over here! I loved the LFB and am working on the sketches. I probably won't have them done until after my trip. Is that ok? I hope so coz I think they will be worth the wait, at least I hope they will!!! I love you to bits my sweet friend! XXOO
Thanks for popping in at my blog - and nice wedding story.
I felt I was there. What a wonderful day you had. We have family (Grandsons) in Austin so we are there often. Love the County Line!
Looks like you had a great time! I was 19 when I got married and our day was magical too. There's just something about a wedding...especially if it is yours.
I want my daughter to be just like you! What a great, great love story.
Thanks for stopping by!!! I love your story and all the photos. Sounds like you both had a blast and that is what it is all about... personal style and individual personality! You two make a handsome couple.
How sweet! Sounds like a wonderful day!
i look at a lot of blogs, and most posts are about sweet stuff, but this is the sweetest post i've ever seen. you have some good memories--thanks for sharing!
Love the wedding photos! It looks like it was the perfect day and you were a BEAUTIFUL bride!!
Thanks for sharing but I wanna know how you guys met, it was while you were both at school? That was more like the middle of things. I want the beginning. You guys seem great together! A lot of fun.
What a fun post and great pics. You had a beautiful wedding. By that I mean, you all look so happy, not that the "trappings" aren't beautiful...
That's all so sweet. I'm glad you're both so happy.
I love the apple pies! How smart to have a desert that you want!
You look so beautiful in your dress. I love the lacy overlay that isn't too overdone. So perfect. I have never been too! I LOVE LOVE LOVE this story, Duckie! Tiered apple pies!!!! I wish I would've done that! Apple pie is a gift from God! The whole nine yards...perfection!
You are so cool!! I love that you just hung out after the wedding at your parent's house for a post party! You look so beautiful!! Thanks for joining the linky and sharing such a fun day with your readers!
Lovely Wedding story, Apple pies sound different but delicious. Friends of a friend - her daughter is having a stacked sponge cake three tiers! As long as it makes you happy anything goes. Jane x
It looks like such a great day!!
It looks like such a great day!!
That's really cool. I'm so glad you got married for LOVE. I'm not a huge fan of big weddings either. I think it should be about...well, NOT about the wedding. You did great! And I bet you have a happy marriage too!
Hey, I'm Rachael, a friend of Kara Noel's. What a fun post about your wedding... I can't believe I'm reading posts of other girls' weddings, girls I've never even met before. I love your writing style! Thanks for making me smile this morning!
what a lovely story. your wedding sounds just perfect. i wasn't a cake girl either - i did a tower of cannoli - plain and chocolate covered, and a chocolate fondue fountain. we had a little cake because nick really wanted a picture of us cutting it... but i never tasted it, and i was just fine with that ;)
A woman after my own heart...I had no desire to plan the perfect traditional wedding either :-) You were a beautiful bride! I enjoyed reading all about it.
oh girl your story was a blast to read and the pictures were beautiful. I loved your wedding colors and your dress was gorgeous. I'm so glad you had fun at your wedding, that's the most important part. :-)
BTW, you 2 look so cute together!
Karen @ Lil Momma's Haven
I wasn't much into the wedding planning either. It was pretty much my step mom's day. But, whatever, it was lovely. I would've wanted apple pies too--it would have fit with my outdoor country wedding. We had our rehersal at a BBQ joint though, and it was fabulous.
Sounds like a crazy fun wedding! Thanks for letting us "peek" in! (And I never saw the water moccasin)!
what a beautiful wedding story!
i sometimes watch WE (women's... entertaiment? i don't know what WE stands for LOL) at night.. and they have allllll these wedding planning shows: platinum weddings; rich bride poor bride; [insert other wedding shows here]. well i've always felt that... if the man of my dreams asked me to marry him and wanted to whisk away to vegas that night.. i'd do it. because i'm planning to spend the rest of my life with one man, and not because my life has lead up to one moment: my wedding.
i love the pictures! you are such a happy, beautiful, beaming bride! your hubby is luuuckkkkkky!
It sounds like the perfect wedding day for you - of course it had to involve pie and ribs.
My wedding "cake" was a big tiramisu - it was perfect.
What a sweet story! Loved your pies and your cake was so pretty. But not prettier than you!!
ahh....that is a great wedding story.
Pie and ribs! I could go for that.
That is so fun! I love it!
What a great story! Thanks for taking the time to share it with us! The photos are priceless.
Looks and sounds like a great fun wedding. Great pictures.
Thanks for stopping by my blog I hope you'll be back.
Have a blessed day!
I eloped. Because I wanted to. There's no better reason to get married, and there are a damn big pile of worse reasons! Great pictures!
Wow! What a beautiful day! Hi...I want to personally invite you to a new blog I created...Project:{Create A Home}...It is a place for inspiring and creative women to come together to be inspired to reach all their goals and dreams in life...And my personal decorating blog...Screaming Meme...I hope to see you there! Meme
I love reading wedding stories, thanks for posting yours... love it. I got married here in Hungary in a room in a Palace by Zach's dad... it is a fun story too... and full of special things from his childhood and our future together living here.
And yes, the recipe is really good, I would try it. It is definitely fattening cooking in the bacon grease though. I cooked up some bacon in the pan and reserved the grease, then cooked the rest of the bacon in the microwave. It tastes like it is from a restaurant and I bet would be great tomorrow as a sandwich!
What a great day!
Love you wedding story! A wedding should be JUST want you want - there are no rules. Sounds like you accomplished that! Congrats to you!
That is too too sweet! I think you had your perfect wedding. My son and daughter-in-law both went to Baylor. Who knows, you might know them!
Now that is MY KIND of wedding !
I didn't want all the trappings of a big traditional wedding. My parents insisted ..."we've been going to weddings for 40 years and we want our kids to get payback (read: presents)"
glad they talked me into it!
It sounds like your wedding fit you perfectly! I was 21 when I got married too but I didn't really know what I wanted, so it was more of my mom's thing. I wish I had planned it more and personalized it more like you did. All of your pictures are so beautiful! I love the bridesmaids dresses in the different colors -- and having it at the BBQ place was so unique and you! Thanks for sharing that with us!!!
The photos are gorgeous and you look simply amazing... Thank You for sharing them!
But what I want to know is:
WHY were you up at 3 am posting these?
Thanks for the comments on my blog!! I'm so glad you found me! Looks like you all had a great time at your wedding! It looked like a lot of fun. Can't wait to read more :)
I love that you did everything you wanted to! So many times I see brides do or not do things because of what other people say! You go girl! Beautiful pictures!
Thanks :)
you looked gorgeous! love your take on the wedding!
I must confess I love weddings. I loved my wedding. Yeah, it was kind of big and traditional, but Kevin and I aren't the type to do everything by the book. You should have heard the readings they did! We're talking the lyrics to the original "Star Trek" series theme song (Yeah, it has lyrics that you don't hear in the show) and some humorous quotes about love and marriage, read alternately by two groomsmen, often impersonating the people who said them. They got applause when they were through.
I wish I had thought of barbecue for the food though. Then again, I chose my meal by the caterers by which one was less likely to make a mess of my dress.
I loved this - and despite all your fighting - YOU LOOK STUNNING! The backdrop to your vows - gorgeous!
That was great.
It sounded like the most fab wedding EVER despite all your grousing...LOL!! I have to say, I always thought you were cool, but after reading this, I think you're even cooler than I thought you were...did that make sense? ;)
You couldn't have done it any better! Your wedding was so you and so perfect! :)
How wonderful is this post??? Divine, it really is, especially because you illustrated things so well with you incredible photos! Wow! You were one beautiful bride, despite any snarlage that may have preceded the big day! (Somehow we don't think you snarled as much as you say you did.)
The cake and tiered tray of apple pies is fabulous, just a great compromise.
The story is too cool Miss Duck, thank you for sharing it with all of us!
Aww... your post makes me want a wedding!
And some apple pie... ;)
You look absolutely beautiful in those pictures!!! And I love the bridesmaids dresses! I love how non-traditional it was!!!!!
We were going to go to Vegas and elope, my parents agreed to pay for everything, even for our wedding mother in law threw a fit and started crying that we just HAD to have a traditional wedding....I was young and wanted to impress back then so we ended up letting her get her we'll never forgive her!
wow, what a wedding. my sister had a big traditional wedding of 600 guests and it was a circus. i think it's about the 2 people and the immediate family and friends that are important.
What fun pictures! I'm glad to hear I wasn't the only little girl that didn't dream of her wedding day. I actually think the only girls who actually do that are in the movies! :)
Hi - Thanks for visiting my blog! I wasn't too big on wedding planning either, although yours turned out beautifully. We got married in Vegas. Lots of friends & family there too, it was so much fun. Love the pie!
Ewwwww, a SNAKE! Did you HAVE to point that out? It was all so beautiful up until then LOL! I was like you about my wedding -- I didn't want any of that stuff and didn't understand it. And it was ho-hum. But when it came time to help plan my son's wedding, I was old enough (I got married at 21 too) to appreciate all the excitement and had a great time! Thanks for a fun post!
What a fun time. I love having another reception the next day. It goes so quickly as it is, one more day to celebrate is a grand idea. Did you have any kind of honeymoon?
And listen Ducky, I dont want any quack about it. I bought 2 more cartons of Malt O Meal because I'm sending one to Stephchow also. So I already have the goods, I'm already going to the post office, so... see, no hassel. Now send me the address and no ducks will be harmed. You can find my e-mail on my profile. Let's just consider this a weding present. Heehee
Ooooh Miranda, thank you for sharing your wonderful day, your way .... (((((((hugs))))))))
I loved reading about your special day. You and I have a lot in common when it came to our thoughts of our wedding including the planning of it. My husband planned our wedding. My bridesmaids chose their dresses and the color. I based the rest off of what they chose. Too funny! All I knew was I wanted it to be fun and memorable to all not just the two of us.
Great wedding story! I was fairly untraditional, too. I eloped (with my immediate family - parents, siblings) to Florida (I'm from Canada). I wore a red dress.
I totally love the story & all the pictures! Love you did your own thing... love the apple pies!!!
but i have to ask... what the heck are the two of you holding in that one picture - a long black thing????
Great story - your Mom and sister did a good job, and you looked like you loved every minute of it!
You are too fabulous! I love your pictures and your wedding story!
That was too fun seeing pictures of your wedding! You were a beautiful bride and he was quite the handsome groom...together you make a great looking couple!
Thanks for visiting my blog..I will definitely be back to yours for a visit:-)
I LOVED it! Every bit. Especially the apple pies and bbq!
Looks like a beautiful and FUN wedding! Most weddings are boooooring!
I'm glad it was magical and perfect. :) I love the tiered pies. Cracks me up..
I love the pic of you fighting for the apple pies. Very cute. I also like the bridesmaid dresses. They are very pretty.
You have a very unique storytelling style. It was fun to read.
Oh.My.Gosh! Email me! I have a question to ask you "behind closed doors"!
bit.of.sassy at
Thank you for stopping by on my SITS day last week. I appreciated all the bloggy love! Sorry I'm so long in returning the favor!!!
What a wonderful picture story!
Hi there! Love this post! You look beautiful and your pictures are great!
You're so cute!
By the way, you won the bowls and potholders in my Big Blog Giveaway! Email me your mailing address so that I can send them to you!
It sound like a wonderful wedding to me!
Hi back :)
Cute story! I know what you mean - as a little girl, I never dreamed about my wedding. As an adult I never dreamed about it either. Only when it became imminent did I discover just how much of a girl I had hiding inside of me :)
Great story! I loved the pictures! :)
Now this is what I call a GREAT love story! May 27th is my daughter's birthday, so of course you picked a winner! Love all the photos, even the one with the snake (which I did find after I enlarged the photo!), and found myself smiling throughout this entire post. Best wishes to you and your man for a lifetime of love and laughter! :-)
Your pics look great and you sound like loads of fun!
That was an awesome story...I couldn't see the water moc though. I think non-traditonal is always more memorable!
I looovveee it my friend!
Amazing tale of amazing love :)
what an awesome post! i loved reading your wedding story. lovely pictures as well. it looks like so much fun!
Hey Ducky, I'm so proud of you thinking outside the box. Your non-traditional wedding looks so beautiful and romantic. I like cake, but I'm with you. Much more prefer apple pie. :)
That was perfectly sweet and funny. Thanks for sharing!
That was perfectly sweet and funny. Thanks for sharing!
What a fabulous story!
That was lovely! Especially now than I'm entangled in Wedding Hell. You're so refreshing :)
What fun! I bet you two have loads of giggles together. (You were a beautiful bride, Ducky. - Not that you are any less of a beautiful wife - just thought I'd better get that straight.)
What a great wedding! It looks like everyone had a wonderful time and you looked so beautiful in your dress!
What a fun wedding! Thanks for sharing with us!
I loved this post, what a great wedding! and I never thought I would meet someone goofier than me! I think you have the title!
You forgot to mention the Line is next door to a fire station and the sirens went off during the ceremony. It is still may favorite wedding of all.
Beautiful pictures!!!
What a wonderful wedding!! :)
What a wonderful, romantic wedding story. I hope the bliss continues non-stop!
Love it! Wonderful story. I'm only moderately frightened that you got married at 21, and I am now 21 with no marriage prospects whatsoever (I don't know yet whether this makes me feel young or old).
What a great wedding, though! It looks like it was a lot of fun, which-- as far as I can tell-- is the point.
Hilarious! Normally weddings are boring, staid affairs, but this looks like fun! Tiered apple pies and giant ribs - what more could a girl want? BTW, your little princess pic is gorgeous.
Thanks for stopping by. What a great wedding story!
What a great way to celebrate your day! You were a beautiful bride!
sounds like the type of wedding prep I would have done if I had actually gotten married. Cute story. Maybe that is the book you should write!!
What a fun-looking wedding! I was not much of a planner either. Good thing we both had mothers to help out!
I love that yours was non traditional. Mine was too. We are SO in the minority.
I loved your wedding story and pics. And a water moccassin. Amazing. Must be some kind of omen. A good one I am sure. I remember when my daughter was an infant. It was our first outing at a park. My Mom and I were sitting on a bench and this HUGE snake came slithering by, right in front of our feet. My Mom who is a stoic kind of woman, freaked out.
Your wedding sounds perfect- a wedding should reflect you, and your tastes and intrests. Yours certainly did that! I love that you married at a BBQ joint and had pie instead of cake.
What a great story. The snake creeps me out. :) I had to enlarge the photo to see it, but you are right! It's there! EEK!
Great wedding, fantastic post!
Thanks for sharing!
Beautiful pictures. Thanks for stopping by my blog this morning...Feel free to drop by anytime.
What a fun wedding. I love how you went "non-traditional". Bodes well for lots of laughter and spontaneity in your marriage.
PS Good luck with your writing aspirations!!
I'll say it guys look like the happiest couple I know! Maybe it's because of your constant beautiful big grin! :)
thanks for sharing your wedding!
How did I know you would have ribs??? :)
I absolutely love that you had apple pie! That friggen rocks!
Ooh apple pie and ribs. It looks like you had a great day.
Seriously your best post ever, Blonde Duck. Upon arriving at your site today, I was overwhelmed with excitement. I wasn't sure what to read first. Vivi? The wedding? Choices, choices. Luckily, I just sat back and enjoyed everything at once. So much fun.
And I see that your fans loved this post as much as I did. Hello, over 100 comments? The pond is becoming a very crowded place. I am going to have to stake my claim on the sand. :)
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