So now, a sussy for you!

My dear buddy Marie at A Year of Oak Cottage gave me this great award last week! Now, it's my honor to pass it on to some of my favorite Autumn friends:
3) Emma
4) Grace
6) Tater tots and Jello
7) Marjie
8) Maria at Two Peas in their Pod
9) Katherine
10)Noble Pig
In addition, I was also tagged by Cynthia at Diary of a Glad Housewife . Instead of giving you six quirky things about me (because to be frank, I'm tired of me), I'm giving you six quirky things about the Land of the Flowered Bed! (Want to know what the Land of the Flowered Bed is? Read last Tuesday's post.)
Six Quirky things about the Land of the Flowered Bed:
1) As a exceedingly large bumblebee, Pumble loves nectar and honey. He is however, allergic to flowers, particularly daisies.
2) Cookies, when no one is watching, giggles at and watches TLC's Wedding and Baby Stories. If someone is watching, he snarls at kittens and bashes any sweet show as "sentimental dribble."
3) Before Hairy became the mayor of the Land of the Flowered Bed, he wanted to be a cowboy.
4) The seals are identical twins--a boy and a girl. They are the only twins they know.
5) The ducks in the Spa secretly pretend to look for buried treasure on the bottom of the bathtub when the other members of the Land of the Flowered Bed are sleeping. The girl duck pretends she's a mermaid while the two boy ducks pretend they are pirates.
6) Miss Moose McKinley is perpetually confused. She attributes this to her tendencies as a natural blond moose. Her fur is brown due to the poor sunlight in Alaska.
Be sure to stop by throughout the week! I'll post my artichoke cheese dip, a new Miss Pickles and several more fun whimsical tales!
Thanks again for all the birthday love. You all mean a lot to me.
Thank you, Duckie! You are a great Invisible Friend!
Thank you Duckie! You are a sweetie!
Oh thank you! Happy Fall.
glad to hear you had such a wonderful bday!!
Well, Happy Birthday!
And Congratulations too! You won The Flavor Bible. E-mail me with your address so Hachette can send it to you. :-)
Thanks for the kind award! you are one of my favorite friends too!!
I love your quirks!
Fun, fun and more fun!
Thank you quirky invisible and highly imaginative and talented friend.
Oh, and can't wait for this week's offerings.
Congrats on the award - you totally deserve it. Happy birthday!
I loved reading all these new things about Pumble, Cookies, Hairy, Miss Moose, the Ducks and everyone else from the LFB. And here I was thinking I knew all there was to know about them!!! Shame on me! My goodness but you are getting lots of lovely comments these days! I am so happy to see them all. It just goes to prove that I have been right all along and that you are a true literay genius of a most spectacular species of writers . . . the children's writer, and not only that but one who is also able to capture and mesmerize the adult mind on top of it all! Duckie, you ARE the best!
Thank you for the present Duckie and there must be something we can to for Pumble to overcome his allergies!
Duckie Happy Happy Happy Belated Birthday!! It looks like you had a pietastastic time at your party and I LOVE the pink theme I may have to adopt that for my own birthday! 24!!! You are a spring chicken, hope you have the best year yet! Kitty xxx
Thank you Miranda! You are a very specia friend and I'm so glad I found you.
aw, thanks for the shout-out! i'm so flattered. :)
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