Instead, I'll show you.
After getting a wonderful kick off from Prudence Pennywise with a delicious chicken salad recipe, I then got spoiled rotten at my in-laws in Shreveport. I got all sorts of goodies, including this fabulous cookbook.
Then, on Friday, dear Libby turned the boring grey world of work into this:
There were streamers everywhere, a crepe paper wrapped monitor and a doorway of pink streamers I christened the "Doorway of Happiness."
Not only that, but I got to prance around in this all day.
Then, Libby and a few of my favorite co-workers took me to lunch at this delicious diner. One of my co-workers even wore a pink shirt because he knew it's my favorite color! And he gave me a large jar of peanut butter, even noting my favorite brand. Peanut butter and pink--the best combination of the world.
When I got home, I had a gift from my friend Marie. She gave me a darling dessert cookbook and this darling pie plate and blackbird!
In fact, the little blackbird has been talking to my measuring cup ducks non-stop. I think they both had too much pie.
"And then I told the Blond Duck, "Bake me? Bake you!"
Saturday, I spent the day cleaning for my Princess Pie party that night. That's right ya'll. I'm 24 and I had a princess and pie party. I invited my favorite princesses, and they each brought a pie. My mom and sister came over early to help me set everything up.
We made little peanut butter and jelly and peanut butter, cream cheese and strawberry jelly sandwiches and I made an artichoke cheese dip. With chips. Lots of chips. (Don't worry, I'll post the dip later this week!)
My mom made punch and an apple pie.
She also brought up these cute little crystal plates with matching tea cups she inherited from her mother. Before paper plates, women would use these at bridal showers and parties to add a little special zing to the occasion. I thought they were darling.
My poor sister got stuck on dog duty.
We also made sandwich fixings with wheat rolls. Now Prudy, you'll have to forgive me for not using your chicken salad recipe. But I have a reason. My mother in law is coming down in a month and I need something to knock her socks off with. Being a good Southern woman, she's a chicken salad connoisseur. And as I always say, you never play your full hand. So it will be used! I promise. I just wanted to save it for a great occasion.
After awhile, my dear buddy Candace showed up and brought fresh fruit (she attempted to make us healthy) and a pecan pie (not so healthy.) Sarah and Libby trickled in, each bringing goodies and more pie. Libby brought a spinach dip that was DIVINE!
And then we had this to greet us. Excuse me. I need to get on the treadmill again.
We were happy. We were delighted. We were stuffed to the gills. We needed to burp.
But then it was time for pie.
Being one of great restraint and of a conservative nature, I limited myself to three out of the four pies. Pecan pie, homemade apple crumble pie and coconut cream pie. Let me tell you, I was in heaven. A sugar-coma heaven that made me want to leap through the stars and sing the praises of these glorious pies to the heavens.
Have I mentioned I really liked pie?
After we stuffed ourselves stupid, we waddled to the living room where I opened gifts. Sarah gave me some wonderful glitter spray and a coloring book (I'm really five), Libby gave me a glorious cookbook and a wonderful piece of art.
Sniff, sniff. She knows me so well. I love meat. I love Libby. I love brisket and ribs and steak and hamburgers and bacon and....Oh, sweet heavens. I need to get on the treadmill again.
Then she gave me my favorite of Marie's prints, the little girl leading the chicken. Go to her Etsy shop to see more of her work!
My dear mom, sister, Libby Lou, Marie, fellow princesses, family and Invisible Friends, thank you for making me feel so loved and appreciated. I would have never dreamed at 24 that I would know so many wonderful people that made my toes tingle with happiness and makes me want to dance with joy. Thank you so much, and I hope to make you feel the same on your birthday.
The only person who wasn't having fun was Bitty. She pouted the whole time she wore her crown. But that's no surprise.

She's just mad there's another princess in town.
son of a cat many september birthdays..mine is tomorrow..right on the cusp of libra...I am the LAST virgo.....
Happy Birthday! Sounds like a fun time was had by all. Best wishes for a great 24th year!
Looks like a great party! Do you think Bitty was jealous? LOL!
Happy Birthday, princess Duck! No worries at all, dear friend. Sounds like your day is turning out to be wonderful.
Happy Birthday Princess Duck. Love, Sailor
What a wonderful birthday celebration! I love the princess and pie idea. Very inventive. Looks like you had a great day with food, friends, family and fun! Lovely, the perfect way to celebrate- Happy Birthday!
Well Happy Birthday **sing-a-long** to you! What a super party you had! You should feel like a Princess! And oh...I love those cookbooks!
And yep, I love Pecan pie!
You must be wallowing in delight today!!
Happy Birthday! Your celebration looks like it was a great time!
You are just too cute! Happy birthday! Your Princess Pie Party looked really great. I'm glad you had such a wonderful day -- you deserve it! Yay for you!
Awe Happy Birthday Princess! It sounds like you had a wonderful day and you deserve it!
Oh, it sounds like you had a fabulous birthday!!!! I'm so glad and so jealous that you got to eat all that pie and I didn't!!! I'm pouting right along with Bitty here!!! Seriously I am glad that you had such a wonderful time and here's to many many more!!! Next year I want a Princess Pie Party for my birthday and I want YOU to be there! Oh, wouldn't that be great! XXOO
OMG, you are the cutest! happy birthday princess duck :) have a brilliant year.
looks like you have lots of fans, both in person and in the blog world. :) happy belated birthday--thanks for letting us in on the celebration. :)
Happy Birthday!!! That looks like a fantastic party--princess and pies, what a great idea :)
I'd sing, but half the state would be scared away. Happy Birthday, dear Duckie!
I made a lovely layer cake in honor of your birthday, and will post about it later this week. I may even learn more about pies some day!
And Thor will come cheer Bitty up. He'll yawn while she barks her way around him; she must easily be the size of his head, after all!
Happy happy birthday to my favourite duck! Glad you had fun my dear! I love that even your dog has a crown, lol! Too cute!
It sounds like you had a great time! Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!!!! What a wonderful day you've had! Hope it's a sign of many more to come
Happy Birthday to you!!! What an awesome thing for you to have a princess and pie party!!!! It looks like you had the greatest day!!!!
Well, Happy Birthday sweetness! Sounds like it was the best of times, and there's no wonder with all that luscious pie. Three of my favorites -- especially the coconut! The cookbooks are great, too. Have you seen the Susan Branch cookbooks? You'd love them. I've got to check out that meat cookbook. Oh, to be 24 again...
so so cute - those pies!!! Yummy!! are you on a diet today!!
Happy belated b-day Duckie, or shall I say the Princess of All The Ponds' Duckies :D
Sure looks like you had tons of fun and boy do I like the look of that meat cookbook!!!
Happy Birthday!! Looks like you had a great time! Love the princess pie theme :)
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