I don't know about ya'll, but I'm in the mood for the holidays already.
It may be because I'm tired of it being 100 degrees.
It may be because I work three months ahead being a magazine editor. When you write articles about the Nutcracker and get e-mails for events about wassailing, you get in the mood for Christmas songs.
And it may be just because I love Christmas. It's one of my favorite times of the year. There's some brand new decorations in the back of my guest room closet and I'm itching to display them.
As I started on my Christmas shopping this weekend (ya'll know I'm crazy), I started thinking about how wonderful life was. Sure, the economy is failing. Sure, folks are losing their jobs left and right. Sure, I might never get a book published.
But there's so much good in my life.
Even though they chewed out of their fence earlier this week, proceeded to rip a box needed for shipping apart and sprinkled the remnants on the carpet, then peed and puked on the carpet, sending my husband into a crazed, Cajun-accent speaking frenzy; the Babies really light up my life.
Ever since that night in February that I blew off my neighbor's lingerie party and raced across town to get them in the dark of night, they've held my heart in their little paws.

I can still remember how tiny they were and how I could barely believe they were mine. Really mine.

Even though he hates all things glittery, pink and leopard print, has to be coerced to dance and doesn't share my obsession for meat and pie; Ben is one of the best things in my life.

He supports my writing, is patient with the puppies, still makes my eyes twinkle with glee and makes me laugh out loud.
If that wasn't enough, I have a two great families, wonderful friends and a cute house.
But after a week where you spend every day panicking, obsessing and plotting new options; you don't think of these things. You fret and you worry and you scream every time you pick up a newspaper or turn on the radio.
Like George Bailey, I realized there were more important things. I can't control entire industries. I can't control my future. And I can't control how other people respond to me.
But, I can appreciate the things I have and be thankful for them.
Excuse me. I've got to go watch A Muppet Christmas Carol now.
First, I want to hear what's wonderful in your life, Invisible Friends. Whoever comes up with the best comment will get something wonderful!
I'm waiting....
**Stay tuned this week for exciting adventures in the Pond! We've got Miss Pickles tomorrow, the end of our Land of the Flowered Bed saga, tuna croquettes coming up, another installment of our dancehall romance and more fun!
Oh my goodness! Not you too? Christmas already?? But then...I JUST had a phone call from our daughter..they are coming HERE for Christmas!! It's been 3 years, since Cowboy has seen them and 9 years since we've shared Christmas together...so THAT is what is WONDERFUL in my life! And I just might have to join the ranks of your early Christmas thinkers...and start planning and preparing! Whooppee!
Well the answer to that is easy. :) My family. My four fabulous children and my wonderful husband. We've had our ups and downs, recently in fact we've bounced back up from a down moment, but we always stick together. Today, hubby took the boys to ride their dirt bikes and our youngest (9) fell hard. We thought he broke his leg. I was so upset. Turns out to be just a bruise and he is fine, but I thank my lucky stars everyday that they are healthy. :)
I would have to say that my life is wonderful. I am blessed with a caring, loving, husband, 3 beautiful, healthy, kids and great parents,siblings, in-laws etc. I love the freedom I enjoy in my life, to believe what I want and speak my mind. I am blessed with arms, legs, eyes, ears, and a healthy body that can do so many things. I have great friends, a warm house, bed, clothes, yeah, I pretty much have it all! I love my life!
After reaching the grand old age of 53, every day that I wake up in the morning and can creak out of bed and make it downstairs is wonderful and a blessing, but do you want to know that really makes my life wonderful??? L-O-V-E The love of my sweetie pie who I waited a whole lifetime to find, the love of our beautiful dog Jess who adores us and who we clearly adore back, the love of my wonderful children and grandchildren, the love of my parents that I am so blessed to still have with me, my brother and sister and their families and of course the love of special friends, both real and invisible. Love makes the world go around and has the power to to change lives for the better. It's the gift that just keeps on giving.
We have our everyday problems like everyone else, but we are truly blessed to be together in a loving home, looking at the whole big picture, we have a wonderful life I am truly grateful.
aww, I love this post :)
Definitely my family, Tavo, my friends, the warm Georgia weather, my newly red house, a good book, my favorite music, and pizza make my life pretty darn fantastic.
Now, I need to get on the ball with this early Christmas shopping!!
Christmas is my favorite holiday by far. The problem is that I can't even think about it yet since the highs are still over 100 here. Not very Christmassy yet I'm afraid.
Life is wonderful...I too have a wonderful and patient husband, two sweet and healthy kids, two stubborn but funny cats, two amazing families and I have the most amazing friends - ever. Life is really good.
P.S. I LOVE Christmas too - can't wait for it! It's so special now that I have kids.
I really, really needed this today. You've inspired me to turn off the News, bake real Tollhouse chocolate chip cookies, and just get outside play with the kiddos.
My husband is wonderful. When we had been dating 3 weeks, he invited me to move into his house, to which I responded, "Not without a wedding." 2 weeks later, he told me he'd marry me "this weekend, as long as no one else is invited." It has been the most wonderful almost 30 years anyone could ever want. 6 sons and 3 daughters later, and my only regret is that we don't have another 50 years in front of us. If I want something, he simply gives it to me (so I haven't had an official birthday or Christmas present in at least 20 years, but who's complaining?) because he doesn't think I should have to wait or want. And at least twice a week he tells me that no man on the planet has had as good a life as he has had with me. Wonderful is too mild a word for my life!
well - if you are looking for colder weather - come visit me!!!! Fall is here!!!!!! i would love some 100 days here!!
It's my family of course. I followed my hubby's dream, now we are working on mine. The kids though, this is when you will really see the love, there is no comparison.
What a lovely post. It is a wonderful life. From family to friends, invisible and otherwise, and a thousand little pleasures from food to nature, life is pretty marvelous.
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