For your amusement, I present the 2009 New Year Resolutions of the Pond.

The Blond Duck: To publish as many whimsical tales in book form and blog form as my Invisible Friends can stand! And to take over the world with Blond Duck press!
Ben: More cinnamon rolls and cinnamon toast, please.
Bitty: To take over the world.
Bear: Since Santa didn't bring me a moose, I'd like a Wuffle-Mobile please: a small Chihuahua-sized go-kart that operates on battery power. And leave a seat for my friend the dolphin and plenty of tasty treats, please.

Ace the Dog: To quit letting the Babies terrorize me.
The Flying Pigs from the Land of the Flowered Bed: To munch on as much tasty grass as possible.
The GLUG (Ginourmous Lime-Green Unusual Gnat): To make people like me. Last time I got a chilly reception (sob!)
The Fuzzy Duck: To go on more dates with the Rubber Chicken!
The Cookie-stealing Bunny: (He was unable to reply due to an incident with his head stuck in the cookie jar.)
The butterflies: To offer a bit of magic.
Miss Pickles: Let's go on an adventure!
Sprinkles the Kitchen Fairy: To teach Bizzy how to cook!
Vivi and Wade: To Twirl!
The Candy Animals: Do you have any tea and cookies you'd mind sharing?
The Land of the Flowered Bed:
Pumble: To eat more cookies with honey!
Cookies: To try to educate the rest of these morons!
Pumble: I take that back. I'm going to spend the entire year refusing to make mouse muffins.
Cookies: I love mouse muffins! You fat insect traitor!
The Seals: (Look longingly at the mouse muffins.)
Miss Moose McKinley: Can you really make a muffin out of a mouse?
The Ducks in the Spa: "Who wants a mouse muffin?" the first duck bellowed. "Those are disgusting!" the second duck bellowed. "It's simply not in our taste," the third duck said.
Hairy: To create peace in the Land of the Flowered Bed.
Princess, you will be missed.
2009 is looking to be an exciting year for the Pond!
Stay tuned, Invisible Friends! Tomorrow we have the kick-off of the New Recipe Series, which features the tastiest chicken enchiladas you've ever slurped down. Then we've got a new Twirl and more whimsical fun! We even find out what's in the box!
Okay, I absolutely can't wait to read what's in the box!
2009 is going to be a good year and I look forward to reading more stories from the pond.
Happy new year to the pond...and all it's critters!
Happy New Year. Looking forward to see what develops at the Pond.
Wow..great pictures!
Happy New Year, Blonde Duck!
-sandy toe
The box...all my thoughts are about the box! What could be in there? I even made a list! Happy New Year!
Just wanted to pop over to say Happy New Year! Funny resolution, though!
Happy 2009! Can't wait to read more from you!
Happy New Year Miranda! I haven't made any New Years resolutions yet...I guess I better get started!
I bow my head in honor of Princess. Love never ends.
Happy New Year.
That sounds like an awesome 2009! Happy new year! look totally hot in that blue dress...and I mean that in a completely straight way lol. I've sure enjoyed 2008 and getting to read your stories and enjoy your wonderful imagination. I hope 2009 brings much joy to you and your family!!!
How fun your blog is to visit. Looking forward to reading more in 2009.
Happy New Year's Eve (and New Year!) to you and yours. Did someone say chicken enchiladas?
Happy New Year to you, your hubby and all the friends at the pond!!!
I'm kinda sad that Santa didn't bring a Moose...
lol cute! I haven't read any of your stories yet, so I think I'll have to go back to the very beginning and get started there. =)
Happy New Year!!
Sweet Blonde Duck wanted to wish you a very wonderful New Year. Great pictures of you, you are very pretty. May your Blonde Duck Press take over the world. Love all the wonderful critters even make believe.
Give Speedy a big hug!
Hugs, Bobbi Jo
I want a wuffle mobile, too. In fact, I'll take wuffles any way I can get them. Wait -- maybe that's waffles? Hahahaha! Happy New Year to you and Blond Duck Press. I'm wishing on a lot of stars for your success!
i second ben's thoughts. :)
and i can identify with the bunny--that happens to me all the time...
i'm really keeping my fingers crossed on that wuffle mobile :) i'd like to see it!
You are just way too cute Ms Duckie!! I love all of your Resolutions!
Speaking of whimsical...what is that hanging on your wall behind you while sitting at the table? A clock? A Sun Man? Whatever, it is so YOU!!! I love it!
Love it! You crack me up (especially with the cookie eating bunny!). :) Happy new year!
That is one cute bunny!
I wish for lots of happy days at the Pond! And I'm excited about finding out what's in the box!
Happy New Year, Duckie!
You're a riot! Can't wait for the 2009 stories.
Happy 2009!
Happy New Year to you too! I've actually had a really hard time making it with wheat flour, but I've never tried a mixture of the two. If it works out, definitely let me know!
Thank you, thank you so much for putting a list of links to the adventures at the pond.
I may just spend my New Year's Eve catching up on all of them.
A very Happy, Healthy New Year to you and yours "Duckie." I can't wait to see what shapes up at the pond this year and, did I hear slurping chicken enchiladas??? You know I'll be back for more...
Happy New Year to you and the whole gang...your hubby looks a bit surprised when you took that photo...nice to have made friends with you! Oh and thanks for check out my story blog, InsNoutsofE...
A very Happy New Year to all at the pond. Keep on scribbling, Duckie.:-)
You're going to be so busy trying to fulfill all of those resolutions for you and your many whimsical friends! I'll be following along to see how it all goes.
Happy New year!
Happy New Year to you and ALL your marvelous friends - real and imagined!
You look bew-tee-full in that first pick! It all sounds wonderful for 2009....but I'm with Ben...more cinnamon rolls!
1. Happy New Year!
2. I can't wait to find out what's in the box!
3. I just read in Shape magazine today that only 8% of women polled would be offended by receiving a gym membership for a gift. What the heck??!?
4. I am excited for all your fabulous new posts and stories in 2009! I'm so glad I've discovered "the pond!"
Happy 2009 to everyone at the Pond! :D
Happy 2009 Duckie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy New Years to you Blond Duck and to all in the pond. Hope 2009 is quacktastic!!
Happy New Year Duckie!! I can't wait to see what 2009 brings to the Pond! I also can't wait to find out what's in the box and let me tell you I am a Chicken enchilada afficionado!! Bring em on!!
Happy New Year my dear! Rubber chicken sends his love to Fuzzy Duck.
Happy happy new year to all of you !!
Whats in the box? Ohh, the suspence. Happy New Year Ducky to you and the whole gang at the pond!
Even though I only found your blog not too long ago (or did you find mine first? LOL!) I have so enjoyed your posts, and I look forward to reading all of your adventures and the adventures of your doggies and your creations, especially the Cookie-Stealing Bunny!!, in the new year!
I hope everyone's resolutions come true for 2009.
Most excellent resolutions.
Last year I resolved that I would cook my first duck. I never did (although I made my first brioche and my first blueberry pie). :-( This year I will cook a duck, but I promise it won't be blonde or fuzzy!
Most excellent resolutions.
Last year I resolved that I would cook my first duck. I never did (although I made my first brioche and my first blueberry pie). :-( This year I will cook a duck, but I promise it won't be blonde or fuzzy!
2009 should be FABULOUS for everyone! :)
Ps. You are SO freaking cute!
Great resolutions - HAppy New Year!
I think we are destined to be friends my dear! So witty and lovely you are!
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