Christmas has come early at the Pond.
On Friday night, while the wind blew cold, a package came from lands untold.
The Babies were curious and sniffed with all their might. Who sent these fine packages? What was inside? Why had they come this particular night?
Bear stuck his head in the bag and hopped away with a yelp.
"Hola!" a voice cried.
Two ears appeared and the bag rumbled with the sounds of a ravenous stomach. "I was promised quesadillas," another furry face frowned, licking his lips. "And sopapillas. And flan. And beef fajitas."
Queen Bitty snarled and glared at the newcomers.
"What are you doing here? Who are you? I'm Queen Bitty, and I'm the boss around here."
"It's true," Bear wuffled mournfully. "She's took all the chew sticks and is charging an exorbitant amount to get them back."
"Demand skyrocketed!" Bitty snapped back.
The Chihuahuas grinned and hopped into the tree.
"We are from the Land of the Catz,
the desert of hairballs and catnip.
They sent us to bring you Christmas cheer
And a gift, a peace offering you might say."
"Peace?" Bitty snarled. "There will be no peace!"
One of the Christmas chihuahuas smiled. "Even for a new toy?"
"Well." Bitty did love new toys.
And toys they were! New and fresh and just ready to be ripped to shreds.
The Babies pounced on them in the kitchen.
They dragged them into the living room.
They even tried to make the penguin toy more comfortable by removing his hat. They didn't bother to ask if he wanted it removed, but they were the hosts of the evening.
By the end of night, the Babies and Christmas Chihuahuas were friends. As the strains of "Feliz Navidad" filled the air, the evening was full of Christmas bliss.
After all, it's not often some mysterious Catz* from the desert send you a gift.
I suppose you could say it's some Christmas magic at the Pond.
*= The Catz are real cats belonging to my aunt and uncle, Lana and Corney. For this blog they have been made into mystical Christmas beings for the sheer fun of it.
Stay tuned, Invisible Friends! Tomorrow we have a true Texas recipe, King Ranch Chicken and Italian Cookies. Thursday we have a new Twirl and Friday and Ode to Christmas Cookies. And don't you worry--the cookie stealing bunny will be back Saturday for a new date of the Fuzzy Duck and Rubber Chicken!

And did you read about my new book? Go here!
Merry Christmas to the babies!
Oh, I can't wait for cookie stealing bunny to come back. I tell everyone I know about him. LOL
I stopped by from SITS!
Your chihuahuas are adoraoble ! I have one too. Her nams is Princess Lucy:)
thanks for stopping by my blog today... your chihuahuas are adorable!!!!
You really make my days start off with a smile with the stories about your adorable babies. I can't wait for the cokie stealing bunny, the bunny and the fuzzy duck are my favorites.
your little pups are SO CUTE! :)
Those are the cutest little doggies! I have a cat and she is the light of our lives, so I know just how much you love your babies!
I enjoy your stories!!
I could bet that you and Ben will lavish the babies with more toys on Christmas. They are adorable Duckie!
It's always more fun to make real beings into magical, mystical creatures! Besides, wouldn't it require magic for cats to know that dogs would love a penguin as big as they are?
Too cute. Love the photos too! Merry Christmas girl!
I am so glad your cuties have a present. I still haven't sent yours -- but it's on my list of things to do today. Hopefully it will get there before Christmas... I hope you are having a great day!
LOL! Oh funny! I don't know which are cuter, the real Chihuahuas or the Chihuahua decorations. (I never knew how hard it was to type "chihuahua"...)
The pups just get cuter and cuter.
Thanks for stopping by.
Your Christmas story is too cute, as are your babies. =)
Ah, yes, Christmas bliss. Looking forward to it but loving eacha nd every day on the way!
The dogs are so cute! My kids would just love them!
Cute story and your pups are sweet. You have a great smile. Thank you for sharing with us. Hugs, Bobbi Jo
love that - my daughter is in love with your little pooches!!
Too cute! :)
I'm having a give-away...check it out!!
XoXo Kelly
Oh my word that is funny! She glared at you? Dog with spunk - I think she's earned that crown.
I LOVE that one picture of the Queen...she can definitely give "the look" ...too cute!
Adorable. I love the way you tell a story.
How fun! I love the pics of them playing with their new toys!
Oh my goodness your babies are so dang cute!!
Thanks for stoping by..
Too cute! I love that she's giving you "the look!"
Hola, to the Christmas Chihuahuas from the Desert Catz. We are so honored to read of the Magical Christmas @ the Pond! "Feliz Navidad" - Marjan & "Awol"
Thanks for stopping by my place today - always nice to get visitors:). My Mom has a chihuahua and my daughter was standing behind me as I read your post saying "It's Pippa MOmmy!". Very cute!
How sweet. I love your little Babies!
You have lots of goodies in store for us, I can't wait!
I love the picture of Bitty scowling! What a cute little penguin toy!
they are all so cute, the real and the stuffed...haha. I'm so glad they all decided to get along!
Did you get a haircut? It looks great.
Cute pictures and congratulations on the book. I have an award for you sitting on my site.
So cute! Merry Christmas to all three of your babies!
Aww. You always have such cute animal visitors.. :)
Duckie, Duckie, Duckie . . . how did you guess I love King Ranch Chicken, almost as much as I love you and the pond!!! (((hugs))) Can't wait to see it and of course your other treats you have waiting to tempt us this week!
sooo adorable! and you are SOOOO gorgeous! omgod!
Awww your doggies are so adorable. I bet with some antlers they'd look almost mini reindeer like!
LOL! You have a great imagination. I wish I were a bit more creative.
I just spent a few days with my old college buddy while visiting my son in MO, and she has three babies...the one smallest, a Jack Russell and Wow-wow mix (I call them)...Buddy...she said he did not like people and might bite...I had him eating out of my hands, and slept with me the whole visit...I wish I could have snuck him out of MO with me, he was so cute!
No way!!! Too cute!!! ;0
Now I want a doggie AND a loofah dog toy. Do you think my cat would like one? HMMM...
I'm adding you to my favorites list! Love your blog as always.
~Warmly, Melissa :)
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