Friday, June 27, 2008

Three Things

Dear Invisible Friends,

We'll take a break from our Missing Wings series for today, because I have some serious questions to ask you. Scared yet? You should be. However, don't be alarmed! Depending on your comments, a new edition of Missing Wings will appear Sunday. In addition, you can watch for a new post about the Babies tomorrow with plenty of cute pictures! And without further ado....

1) There are three ways I could continue Missing Wings:
  1. I could continue to serialize it in chunks as I'm doing so now on my blog and later create it into one easy to read story (I'm volunteering Marie for illustrations!) after it's completion;
  2. I could turn it into a short story and be done with it in two or three more entries (not my favorite);
  3. Or, I could stop posting and turn it into a book.

It's up to you to vote Invisible Friends! You must let me know what you think! Don't let Marie make all your decisions for you!

Now, for my second question:

2) I'd hate for all three of you Invisible Friends to be bored out of your mind when I go to Alaska. So I'm having a call for questions! Anything you want to ask me, go write ahead! I'll set them to post while I'm in Alaska and you can giggle amongst yourselves. Come on, I know you're curious about me.

3) Does anyone want to bake me a pie?

I am eagerly anticipating your responses. Please leave all answers in the comments. And please leave a comment! I perish without them. It makes me anemic and weak and I get a case of the vapors without the knowledge someone out there besides my mother and Marie likes me!

(And if we've never met and you'd like to comment, please do.)

Giddily waiting,

The Blonde Duck


Anonymous said...

This story really does seem like a good canidate for a book. Like Marie, I really am looking forward to seeing what happens next. It just seems like a it has enough depth that it would make a great book. But that is just my point of view.

Marie Rayner said...

Sorry I am late posting here Duckie! I have had the dreaded wedding to cope with. I worked yesterday from 7:45 am right on until 4:30 this morning! YES! I am tired and aching but am also hoping that the overtime will help fund our trip up North in a few weeks with the cost of petrol being in the range of $10 a gallon over here right now! (What a horror story!)

I think this would make an excellent book . . . seriously . . . and I'll gladly do the illustrations if I can, but am not sure that I can do anything other than cutsey wutsey, but will TRY! :-D

If you could live anywhere on this beautiful planet, where would it be?
When are you getting your behind over here to England to visit me?
Will the babies fit in your suitcase?
Have you always known that you wanted to be a writer? Did you ever ever entertain being anything else?
If I promise to bake a HUGE lemon meringue pie will you come over here sooner?
Are you the oldest child in your family?
I'll try to think of some more. :-P

Emma Sanders said...

I'm going to email you! :))

Anonymous said...

Well now that I've started reading the story i want to know how it ends!!! lol you've got me hooked now, i'd finish the story on your blog and make it a book! thanks for inviting me to read it, i enjoyed it very much! does my vote help??

Have you gone to school for writing? your doing very well with the story.

i will be putting you on my blog list so i can visit you often! thanks for letting me read your story!