First, Tia Libby brought them a fun toy called a Kong. You shove treats up it and they chase it around to get it out. Bitty is smart enough to let Bear do all the work so she can steal the treat.
Saturday, we went to Austin to celebrate Father's Day with my parents and sister.

Correction: We went to Austin so the Babies could trap my mom and sister in the kitchen and spend endless hours being cuddled and petted.

Not only did they receive delicious jerky treats, but Mom gave them a new bed. It currently resides in my office until they get old enough not to eat the wicker. Right now they're convinced this fabulous object is a snack and bed all rolled into one.

Bitty then decided to spend most of her time trying to escape to go bark at the original Babies. She was not successful.

They spent the next few hours fighting over who got to sleep where.

It was exhausting.

After a exhilarating adventure through the mysterious cardboard box and another round of beef jerky, the Babies decided that everyone had enough cuteness for the day and that it was time to return home. They hadn't piddled on the Blonde Duck's carpet in awhile.

After all, being cuddled and spoiled all day is exhausting. Every day should be Babies' Day.
I'm glad the pups had a good day Saturday, I know we did.
I love reading about the babies Duckie!! You could write a whole book just on their adventures! Kids love to read about animals! I love to read about animals. Great pictures too. So glad you and the babies had a wonderful visit with your family! XXOO
Oh yes, as Marie said..."The Adventures of Bitty and Bear". They are too cute for words!
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