Last night, there was an accident.

An accident of the stuffing kind.

The babies won't admit to anything.

However, the evidence speaks for itself. It is apparent that Bear and the Dolphin had a slight disagreement. The dolphin suffered major facial damage. Bear suffered indigestion with a touch of putrid gas.

But, like all friends, Bear and the dolphin are bound to make up. After all, how could you not forgive this face? He can't help it that he's a rambunctious puppy that enjoys seeing fluff float all over the carpet like snow. In fact, he's never even seen snow. He's a Chihuahua.
The dolphin's surgery is scheduled for Saturday or Sunday, depending on how much drama there is in the Pond ER. Fish and seaweed can be sent to Room 4C. Bear is confident he and his dolphin buddy will be back to normal before long.

And he really is very sorry.
I have a HUGE smile on my face right now just reading about this fiasco. I can't tell you how many pals Ace decimated in his first few months. BUT, Charlie sets the all time record. He has destroyed 9 ducks(they are called "Navigators". They are large green and brown ducks in the 'flying position'. He carries them everywhere and then goes nuts and loses it and disembowls them. Good grief.
Awwww...poor Dolphin, but you are so right, how can you not forgive that sweet little face. He didn't know what he was doing . . . obviously his little love bites got a bit rambuctious! Can't wait for your e-mail, I am dying of curiosity here!!
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