Saturday, October 11, 2008

Seven things about Dance Hall Dreamers

ArtsiAnne tagged me a few days ago. The rules are:

1. Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog - some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving links to their blog.
4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Well, it's Saturday and I'm at a wedding in a little bitty Texas town, and I feel like rebelling a bit. So the first seven people that read this--you're it! Ha!

Rather than give you seven things about me, I'll give you seven things about Vivi and Wade, our favorite dancehall dreamers, instead.

1) The story of Vivi and Wade was originally written because my husband was taking me to a dance hall that night. I hadn't been in a dance hall in awhile and was twirling down the sidewalks at work. The story you see is a result of that anticipation and excitement. I never dreamed ya'll would want another one!

2) As Cowboy's Wife asked once, yes, I took ballet until I was 18. That's probably why Vivi is a ballerina. Though I never went on toe, because my Mom didn't want me to ruin my feet. And I'm glad.

3) Wade is kind of based on my Dad, who was a cowboy. I grew up hearing stories about his ranch and the people that worked them, and that's where he came from.

4) In Texas, you can dance in dance halls no matter how old you are. I did it all the time in high school. That's how Vivi can go dancing, even though there is a bar in the dance hall.

5) Teaser: In the next story, Vivi will learn something about Wade she never dreamed of through his best friend. It almost gets her in trouble.

6) Vivi's father is bent on making her a world-famous ballerina because her mother failed, and it's made him extremely bitter and angry.

7) I'm going to turn the story into a book.

The next installment will be next Tuesday! I'll see you then!


alexandra's kitchen said...

i'm glad you found time to sneak away. i think i had a dream about the diner story. so spooooky.

Prudy said...

Oh, come on back and give us more. I love the story behind the story.

Marie Rayner said...

Ohh, that sounds like the makings of a fabulous book Duckie! I hope you are having a great time away right now and I can't wait to see the next installment. You really are a talented writer my sweet friend. Loved these seven things about Dance Hall Dreamers. You're the best!

Mary Ann said...

You really have a knack for storytelling! Can't wait!

raining sheep said...

Well, sounds great that you are away to a little 'joining of the souls'. I have already played this game last week, so I know you won't hold against me if I don't list 7 more things...I can't think of that many right now. I love your imagination and it is good to understand where some of the inspiration comes from.

Anonymous said...

How interesting...I'm glad you are turning it into a book!

The W.O.W. factor! said...

Ok, Ms Duck in Her Pond...if you are going to turn this into a book...that means you are going to leave us 'hangin' at some point, huh! BaaaaD Girl! LoL! Guess I'll have to give up coffee when that time comes so I can buy the book to know the whole story! ;)