Secondly, I wanted to thank Pam for giving me the Excellent Blog award.

If ya'll haven't met Pam and drooled over her tasty recipes, then get over to her blog right now and start drooling. Not only is she a sweet and caring woman, she's a heck of a cook.
The rules for the award are:
Find 5 blogs, of any kind that you love to read. Write a post about the blogs you picked, linking back to them. Make sure you let them know you gave them an award. (Marie and Katherine, I'd have given this to you but you already had it!)
My picks are:
5. Cowboy's Wife
And, because I couldn't end there, the 6th winner is Jen.
Speaking of Jen, she was kind enough to give me the One Sweet Blog Award.

Well maybe I wrangled my way into it. Or stole it. Or begged for it just because the girl on the award looked like a cupcake mermaid. That's not the point. Anyway, now you get to hear seven different things in seven catagories. To space it out because your eyes are probaly bleeding and you're sick of reading, I'll give you a new seven things every day for the next seven days. Make sense? Clear as mud? Good.
Please don't go away. I'll be quick.
The winner of this award goes to the first seven people that read my blog. Hooray for you, loyal readers!
Seven things you don't know about me
1) I grind my teeth at night.
2) I hate candy, but love candy corn and caramel.
3) I am terrified of alligators.
5. Cowboy's Wife
And, because I couldn't end there, the 6th winner is Jen.
Speaking of Jen, she was kind enough to give me the One Sweet Blog Award.

Well maybe I wrangled my way into it. Or stole it. Or begged for it just because the girl on the award looked like a cupcake mermaid. That's not the point. Anyway, now you get to hear seven different things in seven catagories. To space it out because your eyes are probaly bleeding and you're sick of reading, I'll give you a new seven things every day for the next seven days. Make sense? Clear as mud? Good.
Please don't go away. I'll be quick.
The winner of this award goes to the first seven people that read my blog. Hooray for you, loyal readers!
Seven things you don't know about me
1) I grind my teeth at night.
2) I hate candy, but love candy corn and caramel.
3) I am terrified of alligators.
Just posting this picture makes me want to hurl or grind my teeth. I can't stand the evil critters. I wish they would die. I can't move to Florida because I'm terrified they'll crawl through the sewer and eat the Babies. Or crawl through the toilet and eat me. Or the sink. We went to Disney World once and they found a six foot alligator in the sewer three miles from us.
It was coming for me.
I'm not paranoid.
4) I'm a really good shot with a handgun, but stink at shotguns. Angelina Jolie ain't got nothing on me.
5) I want a pet moose. And I call all moose mooses. It's cuter that way.
6) I have a drooling problem. Whenever I start thinking about food and get really excited or I'm cooking, there's a good chance some drool will hit the counter.
It's rather embarrassing. I can't help it. I just lovveee food.
7) I still like to go to petting zoos. I have an addiction to baby animals. Especially baby chickens. And ducks. And piglets. And foals. And cows.

We have a busy week, Invisible Friends! We have the return of our favorite dancers and another edition of the terrifying diner tale! Also, we have a utterly sinful breakfast goodie for you to drool over and a word from the Babies, Bitty and Bear!
Also, Oct. 27-31 will be Halloween week at the Pond! Everything will be Halloween themed--from stories to treats! If you want to see anything specific, leave me a comment or shoot me an e-mail at!
I am just cracking up with the drool! I would like to see that!
Loved these seven things about you Duckie! I think you're totally charming, and talented and a wonderful friend. I can't wait to see your Halloween week goodies! If I know you, they'll be spectacular!
Moose are cool.
Halloween week sounds like fun!
I just love the way your mind works. You had a way or making everything interesting, the gift of a true writer. My favorite part was "I'm not paranoid. He was coming for me." Hilariously absurd. Congratulations on your award and thank you for thinking of me, my little duckie friend. Come on over and drool on my counters anytime you want.
I agree with Prudy! I read that and was in bed laughing out loud, my husband already thinks I'm nuts! You're a treasure Duckie, a true treasure!! Thank you for the award sweetie!!
What a nice 7 things post! I know alligators are pure evil, too. I'd shoot them all, and their friends the crocodiles, if I had to live near them! Can I have a pink paintball gun, too?
and you are so skinny - how come if you love food so much??
You are definitely YOU! Congrats on your awards and you picked some great ones to pass them on to!
The mermaid-cupcake award is so cute! Congratulations dear!
Next time can I go with you to the pet zoo?
Now I absolutely love candy corn and caramel as well!
tee hee!! I love your seven random facts about yourself. I am scared of birds so I know what it feels like to have a bit of a phobia thing happening :)
Haha that's so funny about the drool. I feel the same way about snakes, I hate seeing them. I won't even touch a picture of them!
Can't wait to see the Halloween photos :)
Sometimes a story writers worst night mare becomes his best friend! I foresee a wonderful story line in your future about an alligator! :)
And it's always so fun to read facts about our invisible online friends.. it's good to know you!
thanks for the recognition! meanwhile, why aren't many moose called meese? i like mooses, and moosen, and meese--anything but moose. :)
oh, and i also love candy corn, caramel, and petting zoos. we're practically the same person. :)
ooooooh I'm excited about Halloween week!!!
Lol, I love the mooses :)
Lol, you're cute!
Congrats on the award, by the way :)
I can just picture you...this tough, cute as a bugs ear, lady behind a paintball gun, drooling all the while, saving all the baby critters..and yourself~ from the mean ol 'gators! You are one fearless lady! ;)
(thx for the award...MsDuckie..I'm truly honored, yet don't feel too deserving...not from you! You are just such a joy to read! I don't remember how I happened to find your blog, but so greatful I did!)
A moose as a pet? We'll have to get you to Sweden :D, you'll blend in nicely too ;)
Can't wait for the Halloween week and definitely the stories!
Congrats on the awards Duckie and thank you so much for passing one to me as well.
I loved hearing about your 7 things! You are the best Duckie! Congratulations on the new award Duckie - you deserve it! Thanks for including me!!!
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