Ode to Candy Corn and How I love Thee
Candy corn, my sweet, you've gotten a bad rap.
People say you're too sugary,
Too sickening,
Liable to make everyone fat.
But they don't know what I know,
oh candy o' mine.
They don't know how tasty you are,
how delicious,
how you make me shine.
You see candy corn, I don't think people understand you.
They don't understand every color of your multi-striped brilliance
is one more level of delicious.
They don't understand that one bite can heal a bad day,
a single taste can make one weep with joy,
and an entire bag can cause a hyperactive psychotic episode. Don't ask.
Dear candy corn, I understand you.
I understand that you're sweet and tasty,
Without slapping more fat on the hips and thighs,
Which really appeals to the sugar freak in me.
I understand that you're a Halloween staple.
How can you have ghost and goblins posing as children,
and witches and werewolves running amok,
Without this sweet treat to fuel them?
Since I was little, o' candy corn of mine,
you and I have been best buddies.
We've trick or treated, partied and handed out candy,
you're simply a part of me.
Not to mention the reason for my cavities.
Candy corn, I must confess.
I can eat you in a cup.
I can eat you from a plate.
I can scoop you up in handfuls.
My favorite method, by far, is the funnel execution.
Just pour it all in, please. I'll get the ones in my teeth out later.
Oh candy corn, how I love thee.
I'll pass on the tricks, just give me the treat.
Top two images from Google. Other photos copyright of the Blond Duck.
*Stay tuned tomorrow! Instead of our usual dance hall dreamers tale, we'll have a short spooky story guaranteed to terrify and cause shivers. And Thursday, we have the scariest meal you've ever seen. On Friday, the end of the spooky diner tale!
Can I confess that I've never eaten candy corn before? But having a whole poem devoted to it makes me want to!
Looking forward to your story tomorrow :)
you are so friggin' cute it makes me ILL
A girl after my own heart. What could be better than an ode to candy?
so cute :) you look like you had a blast :)
I'm am showing this to my youngest daughter. Candy corn is like crack for her. She'll love this poem, shoot I love this poem.
well, you make it looks so fun and make them sound so yummy - - but, i just can't like these itty bitty corns?? Cute!!
Great photos! You always put a smile on my face!
You are so funny Duckie! I don't love candy corn, but I loved your sweet tribute! Hope youa are having a wonderful day!
I love love love candy corn! Ode to candy corn!
you are just adorable...and you can have all the candy corn from our trick or treating....we no likey!
It's probably un-American to not love candy corn (sorry, Swirl Girl)!
You MUST MUST MUST try eating a handful of candy corn together with a handful of peanuts. You simply must. The funnel method is preferable. Get back to me with your experience :D
I love candy corn and a poem to go with it, just too cute!!
You're hilarious. I have never known anyone who likes candy corn as much as you!
amen, and amen. candy corn deserves an ode and so much more. it is a powerful food, capable of making me disregard tooth health and thigh circumference. :)
You crack me up. I am very sorry to say this, but I can't stand candy corn.
Hah. Cute, reminded me of one fish, two fish, red fish blue fish. But I just don't do candy corn. I guess I don't understand :)
It's one of my secret pleasures! Ha!
Oh, so inspired! So moving! So making me want to funnel down a handful of candy corn! Thank you for stopping by -- I've seen you around, too, and have been meaning to stop by! Your blog is SO MUCH FUN -- I love it!! I'll be back for sure! Now, off to find me some candy corn . . .
your poem ROCKS!!!!!! tis the season to load up on some candy corn!!!!!!
Candy corn = Halloween, as far as I'm concerned. Well, and pumpkins, obv. I bought a bag of candy corn and have lost it somewhere in this house. Thanks for visiting my blog. Now I wish I'd put candy corn on my cupcakes...
Candy corn is the best..I just had to tell you if you didn't know!! :)
Having lived in Southeast Asia, It was candy corn that we would ask people to bring to us. That and Reese's
Ok... before heading into the office tomorrow morning..
LOL - love this post, it brightened my day. I am not sure what candy corn tastes like 'cause they don't sell it here, but next time I trek to the States, I am gonna have to get me some after reading this.
So cute...I love candy corn too but after a couple I am done!! You should make the candy corn garland!!
-sandy toes
This is awesome! Great job! I'm gonna link to this on http://sweetcandycorn.blogspot.com
That was way too cute...and funny...sheesh it almost made me want to eat one of those freakishly sweet nuggets!
You need to do a guitar solo to this one.
. . . . *sniff . . . . I . . . . miss . . . .Candy . . . . Corn . . . . *sigh
Oh crap, I missed the first day of Halloween week.
You look pretty muscular... I wouldn't want to meet you in a dark alley.
My step-grandfather eats candy corn with chocolate sauce on it. Uhhh, I just can't get into that.
Great photos and it put a smile on my face to start the day :)
Rosie x
Hilarious! My girlfriends came to visit and we quickly pounded a 2lb bag of candy corn. My husband was disgusted; we were insanely happy.
dude, that is the funniest thing I've read in forever!! I'm very happy that its the candy corn time of year :D
Candy corn
Candy Corn
Candy corn
Yep, going to the store tomorrow, can't forget one of my favs now! Thx for the reminder!
you are funny. I love your ode.
Might I offer a haiku?
Oh sweet candy corn.
Orange, yellow and white striped.
Halloween's delight.
I love candy corn. Have you tried the caramel candy corn? Not by any means a replacer, but a good eat as well.
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