And thanks to Marie, you'll get to. (I'm sorry about not linking back but I simply can't seem to figure it out. It is beyond me how ya'll get a name and there's a link there. It simply befuddles me.)
Moving on, Marie tagged me for six quirky things about me. Because, really Invisible Friends, isn't it always about me?
1) My fingernails are so long and thin if you press them up to the pages of a book, you can read a letter of the text perfectly. They look like little crescents of rice paper. I spent a lot of time in school doodling around with my fingernails and a book, let me tell you. Homework got a lot more interesting.
2) My college dorm room was done entirely in leopard print. So was my car. I had leopard print car seats, steering wheel cover, trash can, even ribbons tied around the seats. In my dorm room, it was everywhere--bedspread, pillows, Christmas stockings, chair, decorations....
My roommate had lavender and eyelet lace curtains.
We didn't get along.
3) Even though I'll be 24 in September, I still wear a tiara every year on my birthday. I wear it everywhere--the office, the gym, restaurants, shops, even cleaning the bathroom. Then I drag my birthday out for four days. One time I manged to drag it out from a Thursday to a Tuesday. That was a good year.

I'll quit when I'm 80.
4) Now that you all know how mature I am, I think it'd be a good time to tell you that you can't keep me out of a good dance hall. I can two step and waltz with the best of them.
But I really shine when the chicken dance is playing. " I don't want to be a chicken, I don't want to be a duck"....wait a minute...I'll just wiggle my butt!
5) It took me a little while, but I ate this entire rib.

I ate four little ones instead.
Have I told you how much I love barbecue?
6) I hate weddings. I loved my wedding, but I generally despise other people's weddings. Now I love being married, and I think the whole vows thing is sweet, but I hate weddings. I chalk this up to the fact I went to a wedding-obsessed college where if you didn't have ten bridesmaids and a $5000 cake you were a dreadful human being doomed to a dreadful existence. I didn't even want to get married when I was a freshmen in college. In fact, I was so sick of weddings my senior year I wrote a 350 page book about it. There were a lot of reasons why I hated weddings (I was a maid of honor to a bridezilla, they were everywhere, that's all my parents talked about...) but I think the real issue I have with modern weddings is the obsession about consumerism. They don't want to get married. They want a party that's all about them.

Then I met Ben. And we got married.
So now, while I'll attend weddings, I only go for one real reason.

Oh, I love these things you posted about yourself. How funny. It's cool that you wear a princess tiara for your birthday. Embrace your personality! I loved leopard print, too, and I love your new background!
I loved this entry about you Duckie!!! I love every quirky inch of you! You are a fabulous girl and a wonderful friend! Now I know what to look for you for your birthday, tee hee! XXOO Just you wait!
I still imagine you eating BBQ at your own wedding...still impressed.
at least you have nice quirky things, when i told my husband i was doing the meme and what it was about he said, you only have to name 6? SMART ALEC!!
I completely agree with your take on weddings. I think it would have been much better to take all the money we spent, fly to Vegas, get it over quick and spend the rest in the casino. At least then, there is a chance you will get some of it back. You will get no such return from the caterers.
What a fun way to celebrate your birthday. It's so fun to read about such an interesting little duck in her pond.
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