Monday, May 05, 2008

The Mysterious Object

Something strange has occurred in the Pond.

The babies have found something mysterious.

It is wet and cold and it slides across the tile. They can bat it with their little paws. For some reason, the mysterious object keeps sliding under chairs, the stove and the hutch. The Blonde Duck often has to rescue the object when this occurs.

Suddenly, two mysterious objects are on the floor! Bitty inspects hers carefully. Can she eat it? Does she even want to eat it? Maybe she should roll on it.

Having rammed his own mysterious object behind the trash can, Bear skips over and steals Bittys'. With a quick bat of his paw, the mysterious object is now bouncing around the kitchen like a hockey puck. Bitty is not amused.

Bear is considering trying out for doggie soccer. He's decided Bittys' mysterious object is much nicer than his own.

Bitty is not amused.


Emma Sanders said...

Too cute! Thanks for sharing!

Marie Rayner said...

Ohhh Duckie, I laughed out loud at this! Those poor babies. How wondeful . . . their first ice cube experience!!! You got to try a balloon next. That's a real hoot. Your babies are so ultra adorable, it's a good thing you live so far away as if I lived closer you would have me over there huffing me some chiuaua every chance I could get, and I think Ben would get awfully tired of seeing me!!! (Ok, so Bitty and Bear would too...they'd probably end up seeing me a some smelly old Aunt that always wants to snuffle and kiss them every time she visits, and go into hiding at the merest whiff of me!)

Anonymous said...

Wonderful. I do miss them so. Too cute for words.