Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Babies take a walk

At first, the Babies were quite excited when the Blonde Duck began scuttling about. When she began to dig in a blue basket in the corner of the kitchen, they got even more excited and began to hop up and down, drooling in anticipation.

Much to their dismay, she pulled out their harnesses.

"RUNNN!" Bitty cried, racing for the door. "Runn!" She scrambled under the couch, leaving only the tip of her nose exposed.

"It's too late!" Bear cried as the harness was jerked over his head and fastened around his chest. "I'm trapped."

"Excuse me," Bitty growled as a pair of hands lifted her from under the couch. "Excuse me! Excuse me!" Ignoring her protests, Bitty pawed at the air as the Blonde Duck shoved her into a pink harness. Then she scooped both puppies up in her arms and trotted outside. Dumping them on the cold cement, she clipped a leash to each harness.

Bitty plopped on the ground, her bottom hovering over the cold cement. "I am not amused," she said stiffly, glaring up at the Blonde Duck.

"Grass is tasty, nom nom nom," Bear replied, munching the lawn as the Blonde Duck tugged gently on his leash.

"Come on babies!" she cried. "Let's go for a walk!"

Bitty plastered herself to the ground, spreading her paws out in warning. "I'm not going anywhere," she growled, snapping at the leash over her head as Ben tugged it.

"She's pancaking," Ben said, trying to pick her up and move her a few feet. Bitty hung like a limp dish rag in his hand as he plopped her down a few feet away. When he tugged on her leash again, she threw herself on the ground with her paws extended out as far as they could go.

"I'm not pancaking," Bitty said, plastering herself to the cement. "I'm protesting." She glanced at Bear, who was snapping at the leash dangling over his head and taking stumbling steps down the driveway.

"They've tied a string to my head!" he cried, grasping the leash between his teeth. "They want to make me a puppet! If I don't eat this string, I'll spend the rest of my life dancing!"

"That's our plan then," Bitty barked as Ben picked her up and set her down on the sidewalk. "I'll protest, you chew. Then we'll break out and go find where she hid those sugar cookies."

"I just wanted one little cookie," Bear mumbled as he gnawed on the leash. "She wouldn't even let me have one!"

For the next five minutes, Bitty threw herself on the ground every few feet as Bear sat down and started chewing on his leash. They had made it ten feet down the sidewalk before they were picked up and carried to the mailbox and back. Once they were taken back inside and their harnesses removed, Bitty shook her fur and raised her head regally.

"I'm ready for my cookie now," she said, pawing at the Blonde Duck's retreating back. Bear cocked his head.

"I don't think she's coming back," he said, watching as the Blonde Duck scurried around the kitchen. "She's really far from the cookies."

"I'll wait," Bitty said, settling on the carpet and daintily folding her paws. "I'm protesting."


Anonymous said...

Chi's do not do well taking orders such as walking, following a human being. Now once they figure out they can TAKE the lead and YOU are following them, it will be OK. Don't you remember taking Ace for his first walk. Talk about balking!! I think you had to carry him home AND he has been in your arms ever since! I had to laugh picturing Ben trying to take a 2 lb. dog for a walk. I actually snickered out loud.

Marie Rayner said...

Ohh dear! Poor babies!! I can feel for them. It must look really far to a chiuaua! Miles and miles even and to be submitted to the humiliation of being leashed on top of it all, for shame!!! Loved this Ducky! You amaze me! I have looked for you to have a chat, but I guess when you're awake I'm sleeping and when you're asleep I'm awake or we are both at work when we would rather be playing!!! We'll get it sorted yet! XXOO