All week, Libby and I have been planning and scheming for our office Halloween party. Well, today it finally happened. I went as the princess and the pea--I dressed as a princess and carried a pan of peas! What, you don't think that's clever? I'll have you know I won two votes in the costume contest in a staff of 10! The scariest part of my costume was how....normal I felt in it.
I made Rice Krispy treats and helped Libby hang streamers, cobwebs, balloons and hung plastic skeletons from black streamers. We had a costume contest, a pin-the-face-on-the-mummy-game and generally ate a lot of sugar. It was the most fun I've ever had at work!
What happened to the animals in the Land of the Flowered Bed story I promised you? Don't worry....stay tuned for tomorrow. In the meantime, look at some pictures. That should tide you over!

Beverely, me and Libby posing in the "Lair". Well, at least I call it a lair.

You should have seen those spiders...they were huge!
Yes, that man is dressed up like a giant tissue box that says "Blow Me."
All and all--I'd say we were pretty successful.
Happy Halloween!
Too much fun!! :) I'm going to be on a sugar high for weeks!
So glad you got to wear that dress again. The decor looks great. Love the spider webs!!!! Tell Libby I said 'HI".
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