Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Dear Invisible Friends,

I need help desperately. Say I was working on a middle grade novel about a zany teacher who teaches her students through whimsical adventures. The principal hates the teacher and is actually a enemy she's not aware of from her past. He manages to get her kicked out of the school. When confronted by the protagonist, he finds out that the principal held a grudge against the teacher since he won an award she wanted. To get even, he forged documents to become a principal and in hiring teachers in order to blackball her from teaching in schools. At the end, he's arrested and the children go back to having adventures.

This is where I need help. Is that a dumb ending? Can you think of something better? I'm stuck and can only think of Disney-inspired cheeseball endings. Should the principal have some other reason for hating her? Is an award dumb? What other ideas do you have to make this book not retarded?

Please let me know. I'm falling apart over here. Dear Invisible Friends, I need you so. Help a delirious girl out.

Anxiously yours,

The Blonde Duck


Anonymous said...

I think the difficulty with this story will be: is it a tale of vengeance/retribution or will it be a story of adventurous outings with an imaginative teacher?? Those two premises may be hard to put together in a complimentary fashion. If you are going to write for middle schoolers a story will have to have sarcasm, dry wit and and their lingo. If they see it as a "Yellow Bus" story they will run from it...too immature for them. Remember all middle schoolers think they are smarter than the rest of the world and hellbent on proving their independence.

The Blonde Duck said...

That's the quandry...I want it to be about an imaginative teacher with adventurous outings...but "cool" enough so 9 year olds will read it....

Emma Sanders said...

Ah, mama k made a good point. You probably want to show it not with retribution, but with how good things will turn out in the end and how the principal was "wrong" in his wrongdoings.

Sounds cute. I'd be happy to read it over and give you my thoughts, suggestions and critiques. just email me! :)